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Do I need a company email address?

Do I need a company email address?

Firstly, what do we mean by company email addresses. Essentially this means an email address that is @yourcompanyname.co.uk or .com. Our company email address’ are all @milesb50.sg-host.com.

Very often however we see companies who have generic email address’ which are @gmail, @outlook, @live, I can only imagine this is because they are free services, or because people think it’s too costly.

Imagine you are buying car insurance. You get a couple of quotes, and these are the email addresses they come from:



with only that information, who would you be more likely to use? The first one is a the obvious choice, because it looks trust worthy, reliable and professional.

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Unfortunately, we are now surrounded by online scams and phishing emails. Everybody is at risk from huge corporations to small start-ups. However, smaller start-ups are the more vulnerable category. Having a company email address is a small step in showing your customers that you are a safe company along with not being one of these online scammers!We would suggest that for added security you own the domain. It keeps your business identity unified and gives the customer confidence that you are who you say you are on marketing materials like your website.

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(What's a Domain?)

Google says "a domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System. Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name."

In Sophie terms, it’s a way of naming your corner of the internet. Domain names make pages easier to find online by giving a memorable address to look for you at. Buying a domain is very easy and is probably cheaper than you think.

What’s it gonna cost me per email address?

£103.60* the first year which gets you setup.

£53.60* each year thereafter

Domains start from £8 per year and although I have said ‘start from’, the majority of.co.uk addresses sit at this figure. We can always check this when checking if the domain you want is still available.

The cost to host the emails is £3.80 per month - £45.60 for the full year.

You then have a one time setup fee of £50 which covers the work of our technicians who make sure everything is as you want it, they will migrate your old emails and set a divert, so any clients who might still use your old email address will appear in the new inbox.

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Get yourself a company email address

If you want us to check how much your ideal company domain would be just drop me an email sophie.parden@milesb50.sg-host.com.If you already have your domain, what are you waiting for! Get in touch today, to create yourself a company email address!   *Domains start from £8 per year and are usually around this figure, we will always check a price for you before you go ahead. If you already have your own domain, the prices quoted above will be -£8.