Orbis Task Centre
TaskCentre offers a unique state-of-the-art Business Process Management (BPM) Suite; enabling organisations to cost effectively build, operate and maintain any number of automated processes.

TaskCentre brings people, systems and information together within an organisation through the acquisition, manipulation, dissemination and integration of information; offering a generic approach to automated processes specifically designed to meet precise business requirements.
TaskCentre® is based on the central concept of the Task, which performs part or all of a business or technical process triggered by one or more Events. Designed visually in a drag & drop graphical user interface (GUI), each Task can contain any number of interrelated and sequenced Steps, which are created using a wide range of highly-functional Tools. The range of Tools available provides pre-built, flexible and seamless integration with existing information sources, applications, technologies, formats and communication channels, without the need for complex programming.
Creating or re-creating an automated business process is achieved via any PC on which TaskCentre is installed through its intuitive and logical Graphical User Interface (GUI). This GUI enables an administrator to automate common employee-driven processes, such as creating and sending end-of-week sales reports, by simply dragging and dropping Tools into a sequence that emulates the employee process, i.e. Schedule Tool (EVENT), ODBC Tool (INPUT), Run Crystal Tool (FORMAT) and Send SMTP Tool (OUTPUT).Tools are arranged into six distinct categories based on the functionality that they provide. These are Event, Input, Format, Output, Execute and General. They expose and consume information to and from each other and can be used in almost limitless combinations and sequences to provide for the business requirement in-hand. Tools are provided as plug-and-play components, so that the breadth of functionality of any implementation can be easily expanded as and when required.
Tools are used to create Steps within a Task, providing the functional building blocks that interface with common technologies, systems and applications. They are then joined together in a logical sequence to build the business process. Tools can be grouped into the six categories of Event, Input, Format, Output, Execute and General.